Periods are a natural part of life,1 but not every parent feels comfortable talking about it with their children, especially fathers.2 A father plays an important role in supporting his daughter as she navigates different milestones in her life. A first period is a significant milestone in a girl’s life and as a parent, providing support and guidance during her first period is crucial. In this blog, we provide insights and tips on how to support your daughter through her first period.

Create an open environment for your daughter to discuss her feelings, concerns, and questions about menstruation. Emphasize that periods are a natural process and a normal part of growing up that begins between the age of 8-18 years.3 Initiate the conversation about periods early on so she feels comfortable approaching you when the time comes.

Explain to her that periods are a part of the menstrual cycle which helps prepare a female body for bearing a child. Use diagrams or visual aids to discuss the duration and different phases of the menstrual cycle, i.e., menstrual, follicular, ovulatory, and luteal phases.3

To know more and understand better about menstrual cycle read (Link and QR code for Know Your Periods: Basics of Menstruation and Menstrual Cycle)

Educate your daughter on the various menstrual products available, such as cloth, pads, tampons, and menstrual cups. Discuss the pros and cons of each option, considering factors like comfort, convenience, and environmental impact. Teach her how to use and dispose off these products responsibly.4

Emphasize the importance of bathing daily, washing hands with soap after changing pads, and changing sanitary products regularly and other menstrual hygiene practices.3

Address common misconceptions and myths surrounding menstruation, starting with busting the myth of not talking about periods out in public, especially with men. Provide accurate information to dispel any fears or misunderstandings she might have picked up from peers or media. This can contribute to a more positive and informed perspective on menstruation.5

Did you know about these common myths about periods (Link and QR code for myths and facts infographic)

Explain to her that period pain occurs when the body releases a biochemical prostaglandin that causes contractions of the uterus and leads to cramps.6 Discuss common remedies such as heat therapy, and exercises that may help alleviate discomfort. Encourage her to communicate openly if she experiences severe pain that may require medical attention.7

Know more and understand better about period pain (Link and QR code for blog: Understanding menstrual pain and its types) and effective remedies to alleviate period pain (Link and QR code for blog: Say Goodbye to Period Pain: Effective Remedies for Relieving Pain During Periods)

Consider marking the occasion with a small celebration or a special tradition. This could be as simple as a heartfelt conversation, a special meal, or a thoughtful gift. Celebrating this milestone can help create positive associations with menstruation.

1. Garg S, Anand T. Menstruation-related myths in India: strategies for combating it. J Family Med Prim Care. 2015 Apr-Jun;4(2):184-6.
2. Talking about periods at home. UNICEF [internet]. Available at: Accessed on: Dec 26, 2023.
3. Healthy Menstruation: A guide for girls. UNICEF [Internet]. Available at: 3- 60 Menstrual Hygiene Manag...lish A5 Cover 230 Isi 150.pdf ( Accessed on: Nov 13, 2023.
4. Guide to menstrual hygiene materials. UNICEF [Internet]. Available at: Accessed on: Dec 26, 2023.
5. Busted. Eight myths about periods. UNICEF [Internet]. Available at: Accessed on: Dec 26, 2023.
6. Dysmenorrhea. StatPearls [Internet]. Available at: Accessed on: Dec 26, 2023.
7. What Helps Menstrual Cramps: 6 Home Remedies and OTC Options to Manage Pain. Healthline [Internet]. Available at: Menstrual Cramp Home Remedies to Manage Pain ( Accessed on: Dec 26, 2023.