"About 5 is 25" is an awareness and educational initiative that encourages a holistic view, shifting the spotlight from the traditional focus on 5 menstruating days to celebrating the entirety of the month – all 30 days.

Who is it For?

This campaign is designed for every woman who believes in living life to the fullest, regardless of the challenges like painful periods and discomfort faced during the menstrual cycle. We cater to:

Working Professionals: For those managing demanding careers, "About 5 is 25” provides support and solutions to ensure that your professional life remains uninterrupted and thriving throughout the entire month.

College/School Girls: Recognizing the importance of education, we empower young minds to excel in their academic pursuits with confidence, irrespective of any menstrual discomfort.

Women Athletes: Physical activity is vital for holistic well-being. Our campaign is tailored to meet the unique needs of women athletes, ensuring peak performance during all 30 days of the month.

Why "5 is 25"?

Recognizing that many women face dysmenorrhoea and other related discomforts during their menstrual cycle. Misconceptions and inadequate information about menstrual cycles and hygiene only compound the struggle. "5 is 25" brings clarity, debunks myths, and motivates women to make those 5 days as pain-free and fulfilling as the remaining 25.

If you are a Principal or a Teacher

Conduct a dysmenorrhoea (painful periods) awareness workshop at your school/college. Use our dysmenorrhoea educational material which is easy to understand and is self-explanatory.

If you are Human Resource personnel

Send our emailer(s) to your colleagues all over the company/institution. We have created an emailer campaign which is engaging and will be much appreciated by all.

If you are a parent

Use our dysmenorrhoea educational material to impart the right education to your little princess. Download our posters & leaflets and use them as conversation starters.

For all boys & gentlemen

Dysmenorrhoea (painful periods) is not just a girl’s problem. It affects your family, society, and the nation. Learn about dysmenorrhoea (painful periods) and share our dysmenorrhoea educational material with the important women in your life.