Take this quiz to know how well you know about periods

1. At what age do girls usually start getting their periods?

10-14 years

4-6 years

30-35 years

2. What is the usual duration of a menstrual cycle?

• 12 days

• 10 days

3. What is the usual duration of blood flow during one cycle?

• 3-5 Days

• 6-7 Days

• 2-7 Days

4. What is the medical term for period pain?

• Menarche

• Menstruation

• Dysmenorrhea

5. Usually, periods are associated with pain.

• True

• False

6. What is the correct way to wipe your vagina?

• Back to Front

• Front to back

• Don’t know

7. When can a woman experience period pain?

• Before the periods

• During periods

• Both

8. Can a missed period be a symptom of other gynecological medical conditions?

• No, it’s normal to have irregular periods

• Yes, it could be due to other medical conditions

• No, it can only happen when a woman is pregnant or during menopause

9. What is the average blood loss in ml during one cycle?

• Up to 80 ml

• 90 ml

• 20 ml

10. Should sanitary pads be used before the onset of periods?

• Yes

• No

• Sometimes