Dysmenorrhoea makes 68% girls miss school every month

Source: Konapur KS, Nagraj C. Int J Med Sci Public Health 2014; 3: 1225-1228.

Knowing about dysmenorrhoea (painful periods)- related symptoms will help girls seek treatment and improve their school attendance.
Learn about dysmenorrhoea

60% girls reported inability to participate in sports due to dysmenorrhoea

Source: Konapur KS, Nagraj C. Int J Med Sci Public Health 2014; 3: 1225-1228.

Treating dysmenorrhoea (painful periods) will help girls improve their participation and even performance in sports.

77% womens reported inability to carry out household activities due to dysmenorrhoea

Source: Konapur KS, Nagraj C. Int J Med Sci Public Health 2014; 3: 1225-1228.

Raising dysmenorrhoea (painful periods) awareness will help improve their physical and emotional well-being.
Know How Painfull Your Dysmenorrhoea Is

As many as 50% of women may be absent at their workplace due to dysmenorrhoea

Source: Proctor M, Farquhar C. BMJ. 2006; 332: 1134-8.

Absenteeism due to dysmenorrhoea (painful periods) affects a woman’s productivity and subsequently her career growth.
Learn dysmenorrhoea treatment